John and Debbie have worked for several years to meet basic health and food needs in rural Cambodia, a country devastated by years of war and the repressive rule of the Khmer Rouge regime.
Debbie, a nurse practitioner, has worked to improve the clinical skills of local government nurses and train villagers in basic health care. John introduced simple well-drilling technology, then worked with a small team of Cambodian farmers in training other farmers to grow fruits and vegetables and raise fish in backyard ponds. These Cambodian coworkers, most of whom are now believers, have become skilled in these practices, and now continue this work. Most of the other Christians in the area have also come to know the Lord through this work.
John and Debbie, however, have become convinced of God’s leading to shift their focus to intentionally teaching God’s Word and discipling new Christians, a shift largely motivated by a growing number of people who are open to the gospel, new permission from the government for such teaching and discipling, and also the onset of outside false teaching into the church.
In the fall of 2007 the largest evangelical fellowship of churches and missions in Cambodia held a national meeting, inviting church leaders and foreign mission leaders from around the country. Their leadership, which has good relations with high government officials, reported that they believed the government’s threatened crackdown on churches should not cause excessive anxiety and that it does not appear that any churches are about to be shut down. But they have advised all Christian groups to take notice of poor behavior and avoid getting into any public conflicts. Always good advice!
Pray for the family and their needs.